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The name Lavender is believed to be derived from the Latin word “lavare,” meaning “to wash,” as it was often used in baths and laundry for its fragrant properties. With a calming, physically and emotionally balancing fragrance, it has commonly been used for its relaxing effects on the body.

Lavandula angustifolia, better known as Lavender, is a perennial evergreen plant that has produced the most used essential oil in the world for over 2500 years.
According to ancient texts, its purposes range from medicinal to religious, having been used to clean cuts and to soothe bruises and skin irritations, as well as to scent the air for spiritual practices. Other historical uses for this oil included mummification and perfumery for the Egyptians, while for the Romans it was used in baths and in cooking.
Thriving in oceanic climates with dry, rocky, sandy terrain, Lavender can be found in the Mediterranean region, Europe, Africa, the Canary Islands, the Middle East, and India.

Used medicinally, Lavender essential oil has been found to eliminate harmful bacteria, relieve muscle spasms, relieve flatulence, disinfect and soothe inflamed skin especially when resulting from a venomous, itchy bug bite, promote speedy healing of irritated and scarred skin, and to relieve muscle tension when used in a massage.
When used in aromatherapy, this mild sedative is reputed to reduce stress by relaxing the brain waves, which is also said to reduce cortisol levels that contribute to the stress hormone.

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