Hair Loss

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Hair Loss Treatments Begin With Essential Oils

Hair Loss Treatments Begin With Essential Oils

Whether you want to grow longer hair quicker or are struggling with hair loss, essential oils can be your solution.

Hair loss isn’t easy for anyone and it can feel like a huge part of you is missing, but with natural remedies you can find an easy, natural way to help yourself out.

Hair thinning and loss may be due to hormonal changes, iron deficiency, stress, thyroid function, and many other reasons. It helps to know what the root cause is so you can find a solution sooner but no matter what, minimize the stress in your life. This will always help your overall health and hair condition even by the smallest amount..

(It helps to diffuse certain essential oils known for relieving stress on a regular basis).

Best Oils For Stress Relief Are:• Bergamot

• Cedarwood
• Chamomile
• Frankincense
• Geranium
• Jasmine
• Lavender
• Marjoram
• Neroli
• Orange
• Rose
• Sandalwood
• Ylang Ylang


Diffuse one or more of these essential oils in a mixture to help with stress relief. Inhale deeply the mist in order for the essential oil to enter directly into your system for best results allowing your mind and body to gently relax and relieve the symptoms of stressful anxiety. If you don’t have a diffuser or would rather not use one, dilute your chosen oil and apply it to your wrists and chest. Don’t forget to inhale the scent when applying.

A great way to improve hair growth is to also massage your scalp with a blend of oils that encourage hair growth and overall scalp health. Try out for Hair Loss Treatments  this simple blend:
• ⅜ cup of jojoba oil
• 6 drops of rosemary oil
• 6 drops of peppermint oil

Combine these in a jar and every time you use some, massage it thoroughly into your scalp.

Lavender, Thyme, Cedarwood, Sage, and Peppermint are other great options to help increase blood-flow and aid in scalp circulation. One recommendation is to combine two to three drops of each of these essential oils with one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil (I also recommend coconut and jojoba carrier oils). Then simply massage this blend directly to your scalp one to two times daily.

Feel free to experiment and create your own blend using essential oils that are often used to encourage hair growth, such as:
• Lavender
• Rosemary
• Chamomile
• Cedar
• Clary Sage
• Thyme
• Lemon
• Peppermint
• Patchouli
• Tea Tree
• Vetiver
• Ylang Ylang

To help speed up hair growth, hold your head upside down so your scalp receives even more blood flow to the roots. Massage thoroughly for at least 5 minutes and leave it on. Do this on the days you’re not washing your hair and then wash it out thoroughly the next day.

It may be best to do this in the evening; sleep with the mixture on and then shower in the morning. Keep doing this on a regular basis on each day you’re not washing your hair to see results.

What else can I do to help my hair loss/growth?

You can go ahead and take supplements such as iron, zinc and biotin to see if that’s the cause of your hair loss or switch to a natural shampoo to avoid using chemicals that can damage the skin on your scalp and your roots. Remember to always be gentle when brushing your hair to avoid pulling strands out and never scratch your scalp with your nails to avoid damaging the delicate skin.

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