What are the best antibacterial essential oils

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antibacterial essential oils

Antibacterial essential oils are extracted from plants and other natural materials.  For a long time, the oils have been used by many cultures form all over the world because of their health benefits.

Today, we have several essential oils that are sold in the market. However, with the wide variety of oils, it can be difficult to choose the right type of oils. If you have tried to google without success, this article will help you to make the right choice.

Uses of antibacterial essential oils

One of the major reason why antibacterial essential oils are revered is because they contain healing and aromatherapies. Like their name suggests, antibacterial essential oils helps to kill bacteria. This helps to ensure that these valuable oils can fight and prevent different types of body infections. On top of this, they prevent sicknesses, prevent different types of skin conditions, disinfect different surfaces in the home and get rid of microbes that are floating around the environment.

Why essential oils for bacterial infections are becoming popular

Medical experts suggest that there is an increase in cases of antibacterial resistance. This means that antibiotics are becoming more ineffective in the treatment of health conditions. In fact, antimicrobial resistance is one of the major challenges in medicines in the 21st century. A recent study by the British government found that over 10 million deaths will occur before 2050 as a result of resistance of drugs. Essential oils for bacterial infections are a good way of fighting bacteria without suffering from the antibiotic’s side effect that come from the harsh chemicals. In most cases, it is safer to apply these oils as compared to taking them orally.

The best antibacterial essential oils

There are various kinds of antibacterial essential oils. These include:

  • Eucalyptus. This is a powerful essential oil for bacterial infection that originated from Australia and is known for its medicinal purposes as it is considered germicide, a property that makes it an antiseptic suitable in the treatment of burns, wounds, ulcers, cuts, abrasions and sores.
  • Peppermint. This is an essential oil that is popular for its antibacterial properties.
  • Lavender. This is a powerful antibacterial essential oil that’s offers the feeling of calm and tranquility. It is also a powerful antimicrobial oil that is effective in boosting immunity. Using it regularly can help improve immunity against viruses and diseases. Its antibacterial properties make it effective for the treatment of psoriasis, acne and other skin conditions.
  • Tea tree oil. This is an essential antimicrobial oil that is applied directly to the skin. It is widely used in the treatment of various skin infections. These include acne, warts, eczema, psoriasis and warts. The antibacterial activity of essential oils also makes it a good choice in the treatment of nail fungus and athlete’s foot.
  • Bergamot. The antimicrobial activity of this oil makes it to have some healing properties
  • Lemongrass. Lemon is popular as an antibacterial cleaner. Lemongrass, a sister oil of lemon is not only gentler but it is sweeter and less sour. This is on top of its magnificent antibacterial properties.
  • Oregano. This oregano essential is a great germ killer and is a buster of many bacteria such as salmonella, staphylococcus and E.coli.
  • Thyme. This is among the strongest antibacterial essential oil. The antibacterial activity of this oil makes it effective against different bacteria such as Staph and staphylococcus.

With these antibacterial essential oils, it is possible to treat a wide range of conditions. You can visit PubMed to view more articles on the benefits of these antimicrobial oils.

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